1. Overview
COMPASS (Comprehensive plan Outreach for Meaningful Public Action & Sustainable Solutions) is an interactive, informative climate exercise, designed to engage community members in conversation and mutual learning about climate change in San Juan County. One of our goals is to gather meaningful comments for the Climate Element of the Comprehensive Plan and empower future engagement.
Developed by a small team led by Faith Van De Putte, Chom Greacen and Nikyta Palmisani through the Madrona Institute and in partnership with Friends of the San Juans and family resource centers, COMPASS is supported by a Department of Commerce grant to expand public participation in the Comprehensive Plan process.
To learn more about COMPASS, click here for a more detailed description of COMPASS and its framework.
2. Upcoming
LOPEZ: Friday February 21, 6-8 PM at Lopez Center for Community & the Arts
SHAW: Monday March 3, 3:30-5:30 PM at Shaw Community Building
ORCAS ISLAND: Sat March 8, 3-5 PM at Parish Hall
SAN JUAN: Sun March 9, 1-3 PM at San Juan Island Grange Hall
Focus group meetings in collaboration with the county and family resource centers on San Juan, Lopez and Orcas islands
3. Report
Compilation of comments from community members from past COMPASS sessions
We ran six beta test COMPASS sessions with community member volunteers. In these sessions, participants generated ideas and suggestions for county climate actions which we gathered and compiled from a total of 42 participants.
Download our interim report summarizing the comments generated so far. The report has been submitted to the Climate and Sustainability Advisory Committee.
4. Links & Resources
Useful links & resources
Lopez Island: Sea level rise adaptation
Complete & updated list of links and resources can be found here or by scanning the QR Code or by visiting: https://qrco.de/climatecompass
5. Contact
Questions & Comments
Please contact us if you have questions/comments or would like to sign up to receive updates and notifications of upcoming events or opportunities to comment on the draft Climate Element of the Comp Plan or Climate Action Plan.
Email: climatecompass.sjc@gmail.com