Upcoming Speaker Series Event at the San Juan Island Library: The Power of Representation: Impact and Influence of Women of Color in Leadership Roles


Paula Sardinas, Recipient of the 2023 David Giuliani Climate Leadership Award Recipient


The Power of Representation: Impact and Influence of Women of Color

in Leadership Roles with Paula Sardinas

Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 7:00pm - 8:00pm, San Juan Island Library

Event Details

Join Paula Sardinas, a member of the National Black Professional Lobbyists Association, as she discusses the importance of representation in politics and policy, and the role that she and other Black and Indigenous women played in the passage of Washington's Climate Commitment Act in 2021.

"The Power of Representation is a transformative force that cannot be underestimated. As women of color, particularly Black and Indigenous women, we have played pivotal roles in shaping and influencing leadership decisions. One shining example of our impact can be seen in the passage of Washington's Climate Commitment Act in 2021. Through our tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication, we ensured that the voices and perspectives of marginalized communities were not only heard but actively incorporated into this critical legislation. Our lived experiences and unique insights brought to light the intersectional impacts of climate change, emphasizing the urgent need for environmental justice. By occupying leadership roles, we are catalysts for change, breaking barriers, and driving forward a more inclusive and equitable society for all." -Paula Sardinas

More about the San Juan Islands
Special License Plate

The Madrona Institute has awarded $22,500 to local organizations in its first year of grantmaking based on revenues received from sales of the San Juan Islands Special License Plate.

You can sign up online to get registered for this beautiful license plate featuring San Juan Island Artist Nancy Spaulding’s painting, Evening Passage

Save money when renewing your tabs early and getting new specialty plates 

Find out more at: https://www.dol.wa.gov/vehicleregistration/spsanjuan.html 

If your tabs expire in 6 months or less, you can save money by getting your new plates and tabs at the same time. By renewing early, you won't have to pay the following plate renewal fees the first year, and $28 goes to support Madrona Institute grants: 

●  $30 for specialty plates

●  $42 for personalized plates

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How are the Grants Awarded?

Recent recipients include the San Juan Islands Conservation District for their San Juan Islands Youth Conservation Corps ($6,000); the Friends of the San Juans for their Youth Environmental Mentoring Program ($5,000); the Alchemy Art Center for their Young Environmentalists Art Intensive & Exhibit Program ($5,000); the Coast Salish Youth Stewardship Corps operated by The Madrona Institute ($4,000); and the Indigenous Education Institute for their Indigenous Speaker Series–A Sense of Place in the Pacific Northwest: Indigenous Perspectives on Land, Water, and Sky ($2,500). 

Alchemy Art Center for their Young Environmentalists Art Intensive & Exhibit Program

Shannon Borg

Hi I’m Shannon Borg, and I am an artist and art & business coach. I help artists master their business and transform their mindset so they can confidently share their unique gifts with the world. I also paint abstract landscapes of the shorelines of the San Juan Islands of Washington State, where I live. Let’s connect on Instagram! Find me @shannonborg.


Coast Salish Youth Stewardship Corps Advisor, Marco Hatch, works to revitalize clam gardens through Pew Research Fellowship


‘Our youth are hungry for their culture’